Access Help Center, book a demo, Interactive Tutorial, Demo Project, Light Mode theme
Create an account, verify your account, set up your account, enable multifactor authentication, change your password, reset your password, delete your account
Change your subscription plan, cancel your subscription plan
Create a project and break down a script, open a project, edit a project, delete a project, share a project, clone a project
Browse your script scenes, customize scene settings, change or generate a scene synopsis, add notes to a scene
Manage your script breakdown, add and edit tag categories and tags, search by tags, delete (and group delete) tag categories and tags
View and manage your script breakdown summary
Sort, edit, or delete breakdwon tags, add visual references, create DOOD reports
Break down your script into detailed VFX sequences
Analize your script scene by scene or in bulk with AI for potential risks, use custom analysis parameters
Сreate and manage your moive shooting schedule
Automatically generate and customize detailed call sheets based on your shooting schedule.
Create a professional, comprehensive budget template directly from your script breakdown, scheduling, and reports.
Export your projects in other industry-standard software formats
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