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Browse your script scenes

How to navigate through your project scenes using the onscreen buttons or hotkeys

Dmitry Vakhtin avatar
Written by Dmitry Vakhtin
Updated over a week ago

You can quickly browse your script scene pages by using the browsing arrow buttons and their keyboard shortcuts.

Before your begin


  1. Go to, and then open your project.

  2. On the ribbon, go to the Script tab.

  3. From the script scenes list on the left, select the scene you want to go to.

  4. Optional. Under the lower-right corner of any script scene page, do one of the following:

    • Select Prev Scene arrow or use the Shift+Left keyboard shortcut to browse the previous scene of your script.

    • Select Next Scene arrow or select the Shift+Up keyboard shortcut to browse the next scene of your script.

    • Select Scroll Top arrow or select the Shift+Right keyboard shortcut to browse the top of the current scene page of your script.

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