Generating a budget in Filmustage is a straightforward process that integrates data from your breakdown, scheduling, and reports to create a comprehensive financial plan. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth budgeting workflow.
Note: We do not generate the budgeting numbers, but we streamline the process by importing breakdown data into a pre-configured template.
Before you begin
Before generating a budget, complete the following essential pre-budgeting tasks to ensure accuracy:
These steps ensure that all necessary data flows seamlessly into the budget.
In the top navigation ribbon, select the Budgeting tab.
Select a budget template if you have one and click Generate Budget to create a structured financial plan.
Note: Before generating a budget, complete the script breakdown, reports, and scheduling.
The system will generate a detailed budget template.
The template contains the following key columns:
Move: Allows you to drag and rearrange the order of categories.
Actions: Provides tools for adding or deleteing categories and items.
Code: Displays unique identifiers for each budget category.
Name: The name of the budget category or item.
Tag type: Automatically pulls from the script breakdown and applies tags to every category for better cost organization.
Apply Fringes: Indicates the fringe type applied.
Fringes: Shows the calculated fringe amount, either as a percentage or fixed value.
Estimate: Displays the total cost estimate, including fringes.